Kunming Ciba Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.

Enterprise Culture

For more than 40 years, Kunming Ciba Diggings Machinery Co., Ltd has been developing with the corporate culture of "Love and Gratitude".

01 Entrepreneurship - Love

Love everything around us - love life, love relatives, love friends, love colleagues, love the Company. Everyone keeps the beautiful mentality of caring for and helping others as if they were ourselves, and loving all things that are living and meaningful in the world.

02 Entrepreneurship - Gratitude

Learn to be thankful - thankful to the country, the society, relatives, friends, colleagues and customers. Whether it is an individual or an enterprise, if we treat others, society and nature with gratitude, we are bound to get the due reward.

03 Enterprise Vision

To become China's most competitive system ore processing solution provider.

04 Enterprise Mission

1、For customers: service with care and enthusiasm to solve problems for customers; meeting and exceeding customers' expectations through innovative and quality service.
2、For employees: Employees are the greatest wealth of the enterprise. We respect employees, attach importance to them, and provide a development platform for excellent talents.
3、For the society: We faithfully fulfill the social responsibility and contribute to the promotion of social harmony and development.

05 Enterprise Values

Integrity: Integrity is the most important intangible asset of Ciba Diggings Machinery, with which we earn the trust of customers, employees and partners.
Open and enterprising: Be aggressive and pioneering, insist on openness and innovation.

06 Enterprise Development Positioning

1、Target market positioning: Focusing on middle and high-end mineral processing, vibration, conveying machinery market in domestic, Australia, South Asia, Southeast Asia and other countries and regions.
2、Product positioning: Specialize in medium and high-end industrial vibration and conveying machinery.

07 Enterprise Strategic Objectives

1、Seize the opportunity of the national Belt and Road development strategy and take advantage of the location of Yunnan. Apply our advantages in technology and service, and rich application experience and management level in the industry, and become a well-known enterprise in Southeast Asia system ore processing industry within 5 years.
2、Become the most professional tailings processing solution provider in China in 3 to 5 years, relying on more than 40 years of experience in the development and research of mineral processing equipment.

08 Business Management Philosophy

1、Adhere to the implementation of the three "rapids": rapid decision-making, rapid action, rapid feedback.
2、Love culture of people-oriented: Discuss work with a smile and sincere attitude, praise and criticize employees gently.
3、Value talents: Break the routine, appoint outstanding talents and provide them with a wide field for development.
4、Ongoing improvement: We will continue to improve our management level and achieve mutual progress between the Company and staff. For lazy thoughts, outdated knowledge and people, we firmly abide by the development rules of "survival of the fittest".