Kunming Ciba Mining Machinery Co., Ltd.

“Delivery start! | Kunming Diggings Machinery Company Empowers Malaysian Mining Market to ‘Turn Stones into Gold’!”


Due to its unique geographical advantages, Malaysia possesses abundant mineral resources, making it a battleground for the mining machinery industrial companies. “Those who plan well travel far, and those who work hard achieve success”. Kunming Diggings Machinery Company, with its forward-looking strategic vision, foresaw the tremendous potential market of Malaysian mining industry several years ago. After thorough market research and extensive preparation by mining machinery professionals, Kunming Diggings Machinery Company successfully gained the favor of customers in the mining market. With its excellent technology and high-quality products, Kunming Diggings Machinery Company has successfully entered the Malaysian mining market and established long-term cooperative relationships with customers there.

Project Overview

The project inclusive of an open-pit magnetite beneficiation plant in Malaysia, with a processing capacity of 3.3 million tons per year. It signifies our company once again undertaking a turnkey project, from process design to comprehensive plant construction, and equipment installation. On February 20, 2022, our company formally signed a contract with the client, solidifying the cooperation between both parties. This project involves a diverse range of equipment, totaling over thirty units and encompassing over ten different types of equipment. Undoubtedly, it is another premium project in the company’s history.

Quality Recognised, Excellence Distinguished

The products involved in this project mainly include feeders, crushers, ore washers, classifiers, conveyors, flotation machines, ball mills, and so on.

According to the description provided by the on-site personnel, these equipment have demonstrated extremely high stability in operation, capable of continuous operation while fully meeting the production demands of the mining area. What’s more important is that even under harsh environmental conditions such as extreme weather, complex terrains, or other factors that may affect the normal operation of the equipment, these devices can still maintain a stable operational status, showcasing remarkable adaptability and reliability. This is crucial for ensuring the continuity and efficiency of production in the mining area, also reflecting the high performance and durability of our equipment.

The project site is located in a tropical rainforest climate zone, which presents extremely demanding requirements for engineering operations. Due to these unique climatic conditions, our equipment installation work faced numerous challenges. The hot and humid climate of the tropical rainforest not only made the working environment exceptionally harsh but also posed higher challenges to the stability of our equipment and materials.

Another challenge at the construction site was the lack of electricity supply. To address this issue, our on-site personnel engaged in extensive communication and discussion with the local project leaders. After multiple assessments and feasibility analyses, it was ultimately decided to use engine-driven generators to provide the necessary power on-site. Our technical staff, with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience in using generator sets to drive high-voltage motors, flexibly applied this method on the project site to solve various equipment issues and ensure the smooth process of the project.

Through the collective efforts of all on-site personnel, we tackled one challenge after another. Through relentless effort and teamwork, we successfully brought the equipment into smooth operation. This project not only showcased the resilience and innovation of our technical team but also demonstrated the strong capabilities of KMCB.

Professional Service, Driven by Commitment

Throughout the entire equipment installation of the project, the client has given extremely high praise for the quality of the products provided by our company, as well as the professionalism and dedication of our installation personnel. This not only reflects our company’s professional standing in the mining industry but also earns us a favorable reputation, laying a solid foundation for future collaborations.

Finally, after 13 months of dedicated effort, our team has been not fail to live up customer’s expectation. Through their tireless dedication, the project has been completed and put into operation, marking the successful completion of the installation project!

Their spirit is like a blazing torch, illuminating the path forward; their beliefs are as solid as a rock, firm and unwavering.

At the site of equipment installation, they have always stood their ground, no matter how harsh the environment or how heavy the workload. There are no fancy words or exaggerated decorations on them, only dedication to their work and commitment to their responsibilities. They are the unsung yet indispensable heroes of KMCB, using their ordinary actions to write extraordinary stories.

Through their collective efforts, every set of equipment at the mine site can operate steadily, helping the client turn stones into gold!

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